The Art of Love
Are you ready to Master the Art of Love?
Master of Love Sessions give you the intimacy skills to dive deep, an intermediate practice arena, and the confidence to share advanced experiences of love and pleasure with the lover(s) in your life. Singles and couples are invited; sessions will be custom tailored to you. Sessions are hands-on, and experiential.
The setting is the bedroom. The subject is the conscious utilization of breath, focus, touch, and specific Tantric Skills. Special attention is given to awareness around boundaries, consent, presence, listening, energy awareness, and both verbal and non-verbal communication. Learning objectives will include being present, breath, modalities of touch, awakening the chakras, emotional awareness, arousal skills, focus and intent (sex magic), integration, and grounding. The Art of Conscious Loving and Sacred Spot Massage, as taught by Charles Muir, are the foundational basis of Master of Love Sessions.
Instruction, Guidance and Support. Couples sessions support you and your partner to change established patterns in your love life.
Each session will feature one partner in the role of ‘Giver,’ and the other in the role of “Receiver.’ By the end, you will both feel that you have gained something valuable: both ‘Giver’ and ‘Receiver’ come away feeling enriched and empowered by the experience.Practice holding a powerful space of Loving Presence while guiding your partner in breath, energy, and sound. Feel your sense of Empowerment grow as you witness yourself gaining Mastery in the Art of Love.
Practice letting go into trust. Allow your partner to be your guide as you let down your guard. Surrender into breath, energy, touch and sound. Feel your sense of Freedom expand as your partner expertly guides your process.
An Introduction to Your Sacred Space. The Crystal Wand is a tool developed specifically for Women to explore their own Sexual Energy. Ergonomically designed to enhance self-practice, the wand allows you to easily practice Sacred Spot Massage on your self, directing your own energy and intention Inward.
Develop your own Self-Love Ritual. Learn the basics of creating your own Sacred Spot ritual: Timing, Intention, breath patterns, chakra awareness, and specific Sacred Spot techniques that you can weave together according to your own Inner Knowing put you in touch with your true Creative Power.
Re-set the Foundation of Your Sexual Experiences by becoming intimately acquainted with your own body and energy. Your intention joined with the energy of your chakras can re-write past conditioning and re-align the frequencies that draw partners and experiences into your life.
You Are The Nucleus of Your Own Love Life. Once you contact the core of your energy, you will feel yourself as the Master of Your Love Life.
Men, scroll down to learn more about in-person, hands-on, experiential tantra sessions in Carmichael (Sacramento), Ca.
“AJ in Sacramento”
“Christy’s guidance has been truly transformative, touching the very essence of my heart. Through her teachings, I’ve gained profound understanding of the sacred nature that authentic Tantra embodies. Her wisdom and approach have not only enriched my spiritual journey, but also resonated deep within me, illuminating the subconscious connections that weave through my being. Her guidance is a precious gift, enhancing my awareness and fostering a sense of unity between the sacred, spiritual, and sensual - perpetuating these invaluable heart-centered teachings with those dearest to me.”
“What’s included in a Tantra Session?”
1 - Greeting
You are invited to my private home, where I will greet you at the door with a warm, welcoming hug. You will then have the chance to use the restroom, if needed, before we move on to …
3 - Boundaries, Fears & Desires
You will have the opportunity to specifically state any boundaries you have for the session. You will also be invited to share any fears that may linger in your mind (nerves, self-consciousness, etc.) to release them before we begin. Finally, you will be asked to select a Creative Desire (sex magic intention) to which we will dedicate all the energy of the session.
2- Intake
You will be invited to share with me something about your personal history that has prompted you to seek an education in tantra. The more you are willing to share with me, the more customized the session can be. I will write down the main themes for future reference. All of your information is 100% confidential.
4 - Session Objectives
Your sharing will shape the objectives of the session; at this point we will clearly state and briefly discuss the learning and experiential objectives of the session so that we are crystal clear about what will occur once we begin. Objectives may include a combination of the following: ejaculatory control, expanding pleasure thresholds, full body orgasms, healing sexual wounds, attracting a new partner, improving relationships, releasing emotional wounds, attracting abundance.
5 - Breath, Presence & Meditation
You will be asked to close your eyes and spend a few minutes focused on your breathing. Once you have turned your attention inward, I will guide you in a meditation designed to open you up to your Inner Self.
6 - Hands-On Experiential Practice.
You will lie down on a comfy bed, in a room heated to the perfect temperature. Lights will be atmospheric, enhanced by soft music. You will be guided on a journey of sensation, energy, breath, pleasure, and consciousness; a blissful combination of massage and specific tantric techniques to blend body, mind and spirit. You will melt into enhanced states of sensation, pleasure, relaxation and connection to your Inner Most Self.
Christy Rose Muir, Elite CTE, Facilitator & Dakini
Hi, I’m Christy Rose, an ECTE (Elite Certified Tantric Educator) through the Source School of Tantra Yoga (America’s oldest Tantra school), seminar facilitator, and Dakini (priestess of temple arts). With a decade of experience in the field, I am highly qualified to be your guide and teacher on your tantra path. Let me share with you the insight I have gleaned from scores of private sessions, live demonstrations, seminar experience, as well as years of devoted personal practice and self-discovery.
Ready to Begin ?
Step 1 - Choose Your Experience
Men & Women: 2.5 HRS ~ $777 suggested donation
Intro SESSION: 90 MIN ~ $555 suggested donation
Couples: 3HRS ~ $888 suggested donation
Step 2 - Phone Consultation
Call me for a FREE Phone Consultation. You’ll have a chance to ask any questions that you may have. I will also have questions for you to make sure that we are a good match to work together.
Call: (916) 827-1176
Step 3 - Book Your Session
Choose a day and time to have your session experience. All donations must be made in cash, at the end of the session.
Ready to Begin?
Start with a Free
Phone Consultation Today!
Tantra Sessions Explained:
Tantra Sessions are transformative experiences, and can be difficult to describe succinctly. In this interview, Christy Rose shares an overview of the breadth and depth of learning, growth, healing and awakening that occurs during these magical sessions.
Magnetic Man Initiation 2.0
The Magnetic Man Initiation 2.0 is a short video course created for men, to help you to identify the skills, attitudes and inner resources you will need to cultivate in order to awaken your most magnetic, empowered and sexually alive version of yourself - a Magnetic Man who attracts everything he desires!
~ Becoming a Magnetic Man: How to reframe your internal models of Masculinity to awaken deeper self-love and appreciation, and realign your Sexual Energy with your Highest Potential. Discover the 3 most common mistakes men make in these areas, and the 3 Mastery Skills you need to cultivate and master in order to reveal the Magnetic Man within you.
~ Goddess Mystery School: De-Mystify relating to the women in your life; insight into the nature of Feminine Energy, and what attracts, or repels them. Learn the 3 most common mistakes that men make when relating with women, and the 3 Mastery Skills you need to upgrade your connections.
~ Win-Win Dating and Relationships: Create a balance of give and take in your experiences with dating and relating. Explore the 3 most common mistakes that men make, and the 3 Mastery Skills that will transform your relationships.
~ Activation Meditation: Create an unbreakable connection between your Passion and your Love. Consecrate your Sacred Sexual Energy to your Highest Self.
~ Self-Worth Meditation: Connect to your intrinsic worthiness and feel empowered by your inner resources of Self-Love and Self-Worth.
~Connection Meditation: Align your mind and heart with the energetic frequency of your ideal lovers and partners, and call them into your Life! Upgrade the quality of the connections you attract, and prepare yourself for new levels of authentic intimacy.
Go to the FREE Magnetic Man Initiation Course Page, and start your relationship with a brand new version of You right now!
Next Step: Activation Skills Video
Take your Magnetic Man Initiation to the next level with the Activation Skills Video: Learn 4 specific techniques that you can start using right now to enhance your pleasure, control and confidence. Turn self pleasure into Self-Activation!
Before you can be a Master with a lover, you need to be a Master with your Self. Years of practicing the same ways of touching your own body have trained it to have limited capacity for pleasure and control. Goal orientation (‘getting off’), overstimulation of the visual cortex (watching pornography), being stuck in cycles of lust and neediness, and excessive friction (frantic stroking) diminish your sexual power.
Set yourself up for Success! Waiting to practice until you are with a partner is a recipe for disaster! As arousal builds before your skills are developed, you will find control difficult to achieve. You and your lover(s) are worth the practice! Invest in yourself NOW!
The good news is that you can re-train your nervous system and body. With practice, you can train your mind and body to re-wire your system for BOTH more pleasure and control - last longer, while having BIGGER pleasure.
You’re going to do it anyway, why not do it BETTER? You will touch yourself, and you DO want to be a better lover, or you wouldn’t be reading these words. Never feel that post-orgasmic let down after another round of practicing your way into mediocrity. Start transforming that thing you do ‘to’ yourself into a means of awakening your most potent self!
~ Discover the secrets of your body’s innate Pleasure Scale, and how to expand your thresholds.
~ Learn 3 magic pressure points on your body that give you immediate control.
~ Discover the power of breath and sound to amplify pleasure.
~ The technique to a Higher, More Powerful Orgasm
Transform your Love Life
Sex is an urge; The Art of Love is a decision. It begins with a strong Intention to bring Consciousness to your sexual energy.
Most people learn the biological function, and even the mechanics of ‘sex’ in adolescence. But the “why” of it is taken for granted, or distorted by misinformed role models, fabricated film and media portrayals of love and romance, and, these days, prolific online performative sexual material.
The resulting distortion places the highest potentials of human sexuality out of reach for most people. The collective vision of sexuality remains on the lowest rungs of the consciousness ‘ladder.’
Go Beyond Goal Orientation. Mainstream culture emphasizes artificial goals that miss the mark of true Elevated Intimacy and Sexual Potential.
Physiological response (orgasm) is seen as the ultimate outcome. The focus on female pleasure, in particular, is presented as an evolutionary leap from the male focused sexuality of previous generations. Yet, this goal orientation can further objectify Women by turning their pleasure into validation for their partner’s ego.
The Art of Love is about savoring the Journey of Connecting. Intimacy, Connection and Pleasure are enhanced through attention to the finer details of all stages of the Act of Love.
Experience the Alchemy of Intention. Your Intention can elevate the biological urge for sex and the psychological longing for connection into Alchemical Artistry. Without clear Intention, sexual energy flows along the ‘default’ neurological pathways of our sexual conditioning. Learn to set Intentions that Transform Sex into Art.
Experience the Power of Presence. Distractions, fantasizing and focus on outcomes can pull our Presence away from the Moment. Real Connection and Intimacy happen right now! Practice bringing your focus to the NOW, and see what happens!
Experience the Exquisiteness of Skill. Clear Intentions and a Focused Presence allow you to channel your energy into precise skills: modalities of touch, verbal coaching, chakra activation, arousal skills, and Sacred Spot Massage will open up a whole new world of possibilities and experiences to share with your partner(s).