Welcome to Benevolent Concepts!!
This website has been rumbling around in my heart and mind for quite some time.
I seem to remember completing dozens of ‘define your personal brand’ worksheets sometime around 2016 and 2017, each time feeling as though I had failed to nail down the central, unifying idea running through all my various interests. I knew there was a common thread that connected things like Yoga, New Age Spirituality, Somatic Movement, Sacred Sexuality, Creative Arts, and Deliberate Creation, I just didn’t know how to put it into a cohesive package, and tie a pretty bow around it.
By the time the pandemic began in 2020, I was sure that I had a message to share. The pandemic made it even more clear: people needed a reason to look for Goodness in the world.
Evidence seemed to be stacking up that life on Earth was heading downhill… fast! If it wasn’t the specter of global warming, the chaos of American politics, wild-card players on the global scene, out of touch billionaires and runaway influencer culture, here was an unprecedented “timeout” experience for Humanity: a global pandemic spreading at record speeds (it took much longer for previous pandemics to spread) and disregarding all fictitious national borders and ideological divisions actually shut (most of) the world down.
I would be lying if I said that I didn’t experience ‘any’ of the fear that gripped the globe. My husband was still recovering from an intense surgery to excise a quickly growing cancerous tumor along his spine. He was on treatment that put him squarely in the ‘immunocompromised’ category, specifically weakened his lungs, and made Covid a very unwelcome potential visitor in our personal world. Yes, I admit that I went as far as to wipe down our groceries when we brought them home. We had survived SO MUCH during his cancer journey - Covid would get him over my dead body!! :D
But somehow, it was as though right along side the first ‘Covid wave’ that washed over us, a simultaneous wave of ‘too good to be true’ esoteric wisdom flowed into my life. For every line of ‘this is why the world is coming to an end’ news that arrived from the mass media, a volume of ‘this is why it’s really Good News’ information poured into my life - books, audios, websites, new teachers and thought leaders, systems, tools, practices. They all brought me a way to look directly into the face of the strange new ‘A.C.’ (After Covid) world and ask myself “could it be true?”
Each time I was willing to honestly entertain that question (“could it be true?”) the matrix of information I was receiving seemed to thicken, and fill in with more answers in the form of new conceptual frameworks. I spent much of my time during the early days of the lockdowns exploring new structures of thinking that presented ‘reality’ to me in unforeseen ways, exposing the bias and nearsightedness of my previous thought processes, and presenting bold new stories, hypotheses, potentials, and tools for me to experiment with.
Among the new frameworks that came my way was a concept that immediately fit me like a glove: Benevolence. Not such an exotic or esoteric idea, but one that struck me as so essential to the evaluation of what is worthwhile and productive in life, versus what is not, that I couldn’t believe I didn’t hear more about it in my spiritual pursuits. “Benevolence” was obviously the clearest expression of the nature of what most people think of as “Spirit,” and yet this quality of intent had become so overshadowed by the diluted concepts of “Love and Light” that many ‘spiritual’ people were willing to imagine a ‘God of Love’ who also delighted in judgment and punishment. Surely, “Belevolence” was the ultimate clarifying component: something was only truly ‘love’ or ‘loving’ if it’s intent was founded in “Benevolence.” It suddenly became my favorite word; one that I realized I had likely never used in a sentence before, and immediately wanted to inscribe on every surface I could find (perhaps a new tattoo?) so that I would never again forget this precious word that pointed me towards the galvanizing intent behind all things ‘Good’ in life.
I wrote the word, I wrote about the word, I meditated and contemplated the word. And by the time late 2020 had brought Covid, wildfires and a forced move for me and my husband, “Benevolent Concepts” had come to me, like a feather landing gently upon my mind. I knew that all of those weeks of pouring over worksheets, journaling exercises and collages to find my personal ‘brand’ had finally paid off, only with a slight time delay. Ultimately, the timing feels just right. I have long desired to help people to ‘Imagine Goodness’ in their lives, and I finally have a cohesive theme for the breadth of practices and tools I have accumulated over the years to serve this end.
Now, two years into the pandemic, in a new home, a new city, and with a New and Improved Perspective on life, I am ready to share my visions with the world.
Welcome to Benevolent Concepts, a place I created to help you and our human family to Imagine Goodness.
For what we Imagine…. in one way or another….. becomes Real.